Increase your productivity with 3 lessons from Cal Newport's book "Deep Work" Luke HurstMay 12, 2020Comment
The 5 distractions that steal 2 hours of your day productivity, distractions, dataLuke HurstMay 12, 2020Building 20distractions, Building 20, data, productivity Comment
To nap, or not to nap? Here's what the science says... Luke HurstFebruary 19, 2018naps, productivity, snippetComment
William Faulkner's 3 lessons for writing a classic novel in 48 days gurusLuke HurstOctober 24, 2017gurus, Productivity hack, Pomodorro, deep work, writingComment
5 rules to supercharge your focus with music deep workLuke HurstOctober 13, 2017music, signalling, deep work, headphones, music streamingComment