Limit your work hours to get more done

Sounds counter-intuitive. 

Here's how 'fixed-schedule productivity' works.

The philosophy requires you to enforce unmovable (repeat, UNMOVABLE) start and end times to your work-day. 

Fixing your start and end times is effective because: 

1. You're forced to prioritise. You become better at allocating time to the 20% of tasks that lead to 80% of the benefits (e.g. profits, output).

2. It sucks up room for procrastination.

3. You're more conscious of the cost of distractions and become proactive in avoiding them.

Productivity geek, Cal Newport, notes fixed-schedule productivity "shifts you into a scarcity mindset".

INTERESTING TEST:  If your first reaction was:  "My manager/colleagues would not be cool with me sticking to 9-5."  Then you should get in touch with us at Building 20 ( to work out how to make productivity your team's priority.

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