The team productivity training program
Supercharge your team.
Our 3-stage Productivity Program creates a productivity culture that sticks.
Learn the fundamentals
In Stage1 we present the fundamental productivity research to your team and learn about the working patterns unique to your culture.
Identify productivity killers and test solutions
During Stage 2 we use analytics to identify the productivity issues holding your team back and collaborate with them to design evidence-based solutions.
Make change stick
In Stage 3 we teach your team to apply the knowledge they’ve developed during the first two Stages.
Don’t just take our word for it.
HotDoc's Customer Success team members saved almost an hour a day.
The Building 20 Program saved HotDoc's Customer Success team members an average of 55 minutes each (that's the equivalent to an adding extra FTE team member to the team of 10)
The Program provided a measured cost-to-benefit ratio of more than 1:10
Productivity is now embedded in the team's culture and they have a plan in place to ensure the change sticks as the company continues to grow
Christina was HotDoc's first hire. Five years on and she's leading the Customer Success team and HotDoc has expanded to almost 50 people. The company's growth led to growing pains and productivity suffered. The processes and programs that had supported HotDoc's initial growth needed a reboot.
Christina had heard of Building 20 through a colleague and realised that identifying and solving her team's productivity issues would be key to HotDoc's future success.
The goal for HotDoc's Productivity Program was to create team buy-in; identify their main productivity issues; and come up with practical solutions that stick. Building 20 worked with Christina and her team to design a 3-Stage Productivity Program.
Program highlights
Identifying the issues
Distraction data. Measured the number of distractions over the team's week and compared them to the industry averages (from Building 20's database) to identify the biggest issues. The number of distractions was tracked over time to understand the impact of each intervention on productivity.
Productivity surveys. Short surveys rounded-out the distraction data. The surveys identified the team member's perception of their own and their colleagues productivity. The surveys also identified any other issues that reduce the team's ability to focus.
Creating buy-in & designing solutions
Design workshops. Building 20 facilitated 3 workshops with the Customer Success team.
Workshop 1 (1 hour) introduced the fundamentals of productivity, the goals of the program, and developed team buy-in.
Workshop 2 (1.5 hours) presented the team with their baseline survey and distractions data along with some suggested approaches to reduce their impact. The team designed targeted solutions to the three biggest productivity issues to implement and measure their impact.
Workshop 3 (2 hours) was a design sprint. After showing the team the productivity gains they had made they chose a productivity issue and designed a practical solution. Each solution was pitched to the team and CEO before being refined and piloted.
Making change stick
Embedding productivity in HotDoc's culture. Team members have new accountabilities to ensure the productivity solutions remain in place and continue to have a positive impact. The team has fortnightly productivity check-ins to discuss any new productivity hacks they've tried or opportunities they've identified.
Final report. The key findings, data, and solutions were summarised in a report.
The benefits
Participants saved 55 minutes a day, on average. The data showed that during the Program the team (of 10) made productivity gains equivalent to an FTE. The measurable cost-benefit ratio was more than 1:10.
The team implemented a new approach to knowledge management. The Program often uncovers other transformation opportunities; HotDoc realised they needed a new approach to knowledge management. In Christina's words:
"Doing this has really helped kick off our knowledge management transformation, which is an awesome 'side effect'. It's an issue I've been aware of, but the program helped us understand the impact it has on the team and got us moving in the right direction quickly."