If you use multiple calendars you need Motion. Here's why.

I have three different emails -- 2 business, 1 personal. That means I have 3 different online calendars to be across.

There are ways to bring multiple calendars into one but I've recently stumbled across an app that has changed the game. It's called Motion.

Here are the 4 things that are ace:

1. You simply press Ctl-C and your calendar emerges, no matter what you have open on you browser.

2. It gives you a simple pop-up for any video-conference in your calendar with a button that takes you straight to the meeting (it pops-up 15 seconds before the start of the meeting, which works perfectly).

3. It makes scheduling a synch. By pressing Ctl-A it provides meeting times that your available. You can then simply cut-and-paste the times into an email.

4. It provides email templates so if, for example, you're running late for a meeting, you can easily fire off an email to participants.

A phone app would be a useful edition but it's the best tech addition I've made this year.

It's $US10/mth (you can try it for free for a month), the same as Calendly which only does the appointment booking function.

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